The Big Debate Cont...

Appeal for the future of the Sadh Sangat of Leamington & Warwick. The current exiting committee have proposed new plans and ideas a a couple of weeks before they exit on 31st March 2011.

We actually agree upon the need for sporting activity and children’s crèche/play area on site, however we believe that the proposed project has been rushed and is by no means the best possible solution for this site.

This blog has been created to answer some accusations made by the GPC blog and also to make the Sangat aware of some rather concerning issues regarding the Gurdwara debt and the difficulties that we are heading for.

Please read the information below and bear in mind that the decision to vote for OR Against the proposed mini astro-turf site is this Sunday 20th March at the Gurdwara at 1PM. Please attend and be heard as this decision affects the outcome for future generations...

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Special General Meeting/Ajlass at the Gurdwara on 20th March 2011 at 1:00pm

The Real Gurdwara Debate

Printed & Published by Sikh Cultural & Sports Community Centre and the Sikh Action Group

Appeal to the Sadh Sangat of Leamington & Warwick

Sikh Cultural & Sports Community Centre and the Sikh Action Group appeal to every Sikh living in Warwick & Leamington to attend the Special General Meeting/Ajlass at the Gurdwara on 20th March 2011 at 1:00pm to debate and then vote on the following 2 resolutions:

  1. To demolish some of the old Gurdwara Sahib buildings for a Muti-Purpose Astro-Turf pitch and additional car parking
  2. To retain and refurbish Hall 3, providing Indoor Soft Sports and other community facilities

This is a debate and vote on specific resolutions that need to be in the best interest of the Sangat in terms of current and future needs, benefits, priorities, finances, timing and be in line with the overall consensus of the sangat.

A petition of 993 signatures was submitted to the GPC in February 2011 regarding several key points to unify the Sangat. This petition has been ignored by the GPC. Not one of these items from the petition is on the Ajlaas agenda.

The GPC should be considering all options following consultation with the Sangat and present back high level business case for all the options.

Appeal to the Sadh Sangat of Leamington and Warwick cont.…

This IS a debate on specific resolutions that need to be in the best interest of the Sangat in terms of current and future needs, benefits, priorities, finances, timing and be in line with the overall consensus of the Sangat.

This IS an opportunity for the Sangat to find, agree and build on common ground regarding the furture development of the Gurdwara site e.g. Resolution 2, a low cost project that provides a Kids Play Area and such needs for the right type of Sports facilities.

This IS an opportunity to re-unite the Sangat and once again share common goals for the future

This IS an opportunity for the Sangat to understand the current and future financial position of the Gurdwara

This IS a debate and vote where individuals should not be discriminated against, victimised for their opinion. We must show tolerance, acceptance and respect for the opinions of others.

Appeal to the Sadh Sangat of Leamington and Warwick cont...

The Waheguru is NOT supporting any of these resolutions or favouring one side against another. One side canNOT claim divine right to have the "Truth" on their side in such debates.

This is NOT a matter for people outside of the Community or Area to influence or be involved in.

This is NOT a debate or vote between a claim of "true" Sikhs against "other" Sikhs.

This is NOT an argument or debate or power struggle between the young and the old

This is NOT an opportunity for individuals to carry out personal agendas and impose their personal wishes upon the community

This should NOT be a parting shot of a GPC committee prior to the end of their tenure or to burden a future GPC committee

Projects of this magnitude should NOT be taken lightly or rushed as once built they cannot be undone, without further costs being incurred. We only get one chance to get it right.

This debate need NOT ask families to stand against each other, or children to stand against their parents at the Gurdwara as this is never God's intention

This is NOT a topic or platform for people to incite physical violence as with the cowardly attacks on the defenceless elders in March 2006

Community Centre Business Plan

The purpose of the Community Centre Business Plan was JUST to satisfy a Bank condition in order for a lease to be granted, as stated in the letter by Chairman of the SCSCC that was sent to the General Secretary of the GPC. (Business Plan Letter). The business plan was an interim plan and not the final version to be brought to the Sangat for consultation, debate and voting. We are still a long way away from completing the Master Plan to also incorporate an OFF-SITE Wedding Hall

The Community Centre is not in a position to develop a long term business plan because the GPC has refused to make provisions for a long term lease. Without a provision for a long term lease no grant funding from any source will be available for capital projects.

Such grants are not available directly for religious activities but available for community activities

Solicitors and Banks advise granting of a long term lease if possible. We have urged the GPC on many occasions to do so. The lease will enable the development of a long term plan allowing us to apply for Specific Community Grants to build a sports complex with onsite facilities for elderly, welfare centre, state of the art men's & ladies gym, nursery, youth clubetc

Timing & Finances

This committee will be leaving on 31st March, why are they taking on a project they cannot deliver? No planning permission has been obtained. There is no support from any of the Khalsa Sports Clubs, they will not be using these facilities, we are wasting £200,000 (current estimates, final costings are not available). This money can be used far more effectively to reduce Gurdwara debt.

Financial Summary

The GPC say they have sourced partial funds to start the project immediately, this source is the Gursewak Trust - created by some outgoing members of the GPC

No details of any specific Grants has been mentioned or discussed. In today's economic climate we cannot automatically assume such grants for these types of projects (there are already6 FULL SIZE Astro-Turf pitches within Leamington & Warwick Area, 5 within a 2 mile radius of the Gurdwara)

Financial Accounts have been requested many times under the Freedom of Information Act for all correspondence between the GPC and its bank and its solicitors. This request has been ignored.

Why don't they publish the requested information? Is it to hide the financial difficulties they have created.


  1. Let the Sangat decide its needs and its priorities following a full consultation process
  2. What we are seeking to accomplish is that we have a long term plan for the whole site that we build as we can afford
  3. The Gurdwara is in negative equity and not liquid. It is now unable to cover it's expenditure from it's regular income and this gap will start to get even bigger
  4. It has taken the Leamington and Warwick Sangat 50 years to get where we are today, taking a few more weeks and months to finalise the plans will not jeopardise our future. The 20% VAT exemption for demolishment is not going to expire by the 31st March, this can be taken up within a set time limit when we have a clear focus of what to do
  5. Taking more care and time at this stage will save us from making costly mistakes for our future
  6. We should consider all the options and take heed of our financial position

Q&A's to

*letter dated April 2010 -no meat & alcohol


Business Plan Letter

Letter dated April 2010

The "Great Divide" created by GPC

  1. There is NO divide amongst the Sangat over bringing funds into the Gurdwara Sahib - examples are Deed of Convenant, Golak income, Public Donations
  2. The GPC HAS created a divide amongst the Sangat over spending of these funds with their Resolutions and Ideas (Bagh/Mini Astro-Turf/Demolition/Leases). Rather than seek out resolutions that Unite the Sangat, the GPC have constantly looked for ways to split the community
  3. By their own admission the GPC have not attempted a single fundraising event in the last 12 months instead are blaming the Sangat for this. The Sangat are united in the need to bring funds in.
  4. Golak Income has returned to normal levels as experienced before Inaugural Year (Oct 09-Oct10). Again the GPC are blaming the Sangat for this reduction and return to normal levels.
  5. Corporate Funding that was projected by the GPC has never materialised. No details are being provided of the Entities that were supposed to be of have been approached.
  6. Deed of Convenant has not been re-started even though it was projected by the GPC to continue

Should the Sangat be blamed for all the GPC's inaccuracies in their financial projections, while at the same time the GPC appear to be creating the division amongst the Sangat?

The Gursewak Trust/Charity

- what do we know about this

  1. The Gursewak Trust set up in December 2010 by a few GPC members and their followers as a charity.
  2. Charitable Objectives of this Trust:

    1. To further the religious and other charitable work of the Gurdwara Sahib Leamington and Warwick…
    2. To relieve, in cases of need the hardship or distress of persons who are resident in the towns of Leamington and Waraick and/or the County of Warwickshire…
    3. To promote Good Race Interfaith relations between Communities in the towns of Leamington and Warwick…
    4. To promote community participation in healthy recreation by the provision of facilities for sports for the benefit of persons who are resident in the towns of Leamington and Warwick…
    5. Such or any other charitable purposes for the general benefit of persons who are resident in the towns of Leamington and Warwick…
  3. All objectives above conditional to the following "…as the Trustees shall in their absolute discretion from time to time decide."
  4. This charity appears to be overlapping with the objectives of the main Gurdwara Sahib and Sikh Community Centre and their elected Committees and Trustees.
  5. Any individual or Organisation can contribute to this charity/Trust/Fund.

Questions & Concerns around Gursewak Trust

  1. Why do Trustees of this Gursewak Trust feel there is a need to have people donate to this Trust rather than directly to the Gurdwara Sahib for the Gurdwara Sahib projects?
  2. Is there not a conflict of Interest if members sit on both boards? Is this why fundraising has fallen due to other distractions for GPC members?
  3. Donators to this trust have no influence over which specific projects this money is given to, only the Trustees have the power to make these decision?
  4. Is there not a danger that such rival Charity/Trust can dictate future GPC Committees and the Sangat of which projects they should pursue?
  5. Is this not causing a further divide, but this time using money as their weapon?
  6. Should we let Entities other than the Sangat (as a whole) decide which projects should be funded?
  7. The recent pledges for the Mini Astro-Turf project from the Gursewak Trust have increased from £25k to 50% of the total project costs but there seems to be a condition attached..."if this project goes ahead NOW, funding may not be available in the future."
  8. Will this Trust fund other projects which the rival projects sanctioned by the Sangat and future Gurdwara Sahib committees?

more information coming shortly...